Friday, May 08, 2009


One of the great things about living here in Chattanooga is that I live within a block of a dear old family friend, Linda. Linda and my older sister were best friends since elementary school so I have memories of Linda from as far back as I can remember. While its hard living so far away from my sisters living close to Linda is next best thing, as she really does feel much like a sister to me. She took these pictures of Nora and me. As you can tell from the pictures, she is an exceptional photographer. It it kind of funny, we must have been thinking about each other this weekend....she recently posted some more pictures on her blog ( of Nora and me,  if you want to check them out...her blog is well worth a read too!


Kelly said...

I love these pictures. I admired them on Linda's blog as well. Thanks so much for the package - it came the other day :)

faith said...

I love these pictures Laura! Nora is at such a great stage. Looks like so much fun. I saw the pics on Linda's blog too--absolutely precious!

tacy said...

absolutely GORGEOUS. Wow!!!!!! :0) . I know it's been forever, but I'm still planning a response to your last piece of mail.